Hi Frank,
I don’t overlook his accomplishments. I tend to see them as underwhelming compared to his less-than stellar accomplishments, his “grab ’em by the pussy” bravado that has lost it’s place in modern society.
I love America… The version of America that was taught in school as the “melting pot”, where everyone was welcome to participate and build a better life. The “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses” America that was held in such high regard in the past as to be gifted the Statue of Liberty an icon that used to represent hope for those in need.
Sadly, during the Trump presidency that America was overshadowed by the “America First” version of America. While there is nothing wrong with tending to one’s needs before tending the needs of others, there comes a point where it becomes a “me only” attitude when pushed too far.
Sadly, this is the view of SO many Trump Republicans so much so that a mob attacked America’s capital trying to overturn an election.
The January 6th insurrection is Trump’s true legacy, lighting the fire of discontent and disgust to the point of violence…
This is the Trump that history will remember.